Not taking applications for 2015
To apply for a pro-staff position with All Terrain Outdoors f/k/a Fatal Approach, please email the following documents (if possible, as one email) to
1.) Resume with education and job experience, make sure to include name and address
- Are you currently employed? Can we contact your current employer?
2.) Hunting Resume
- Experience
- How long have you been hunting?
- What type of hunting (archery, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, pistol)?
- Species?
- Number of kills?
- List any game violations, including when and where.
3.) Competition Resume (competition participation is not a requirement for promotional staff)
- Experience
- How long?
- Competition placement?
- Type – (archery, skeet, duck, goose, turkey, etc.)
4.) Additional Questions
- Have you been convicted of a felony?
- Do you have a handgun license?
- Are you a law enforcement officer? Armed forces?
- What clubs and organizations are you associated? (ex. Ducks Unlimited, Boy Scouts, etc.)
- Do you have any published articles?
- Are you sponsored by any other companies or organizations? Will you allow us to contact those sponsors?
- If you have any social media (ex. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest), please provide your screen names.
- What is your shirt size?
5.) Short Essay
- Tell us who you are. Why do you want to be a part of All Terrain Outdoors’ promotional staff? What will you do to help promote our products? And where, how, and when you will do it.
Our requirements:
- Promote All Terrain Outdoors f/k/a Fatal Approach
- Maintain positive image
- Demonstrate calls
- Company attended show participation
- Product feedback
- No drugs in photos or any online material
- No alcohol in any photos or any online material associated with All Terrain Outdoors
- Limit profanity – we are a family-friendly company
- Must display decal on vehicle
- If offered, must sign Promotional Staff contract.
Please do not send photos unless requested.
If you have any questions, please email

Lover of hiking, nature, camping, bird calls, and more. I run ATO and do my best to provide interesting information for my readers to help make their outdoor adventures more fun.